So as per usual, i'm flying out to Egypt in just over a week from now, and i cant wait!!!
I'm not one for hot weather, it doesnt seem to agree with me, but a flat situated right across from the medittarenean ocean in the beautiful city of Alexandria is definetly worth putting up with the hot weather. Especially since the sea brings in quite a nice breeze in the evenings.
My whole family this year...excluding my older brother whose working...will be going to Egypt this year, so thats going to be quite interesting i think..
I also have some plans for what I plan to do to change my shop in order to hopefully get more of my jewellery in store, and a plan of how to get myself more sales.
This post recently on the etsy discussion boards has been of great help, http://www.etsy.com/forums_thread.php?thread_id=6229078 and has inspired me to write down my plans and ideas, instead of merely thinking of them which is always chaotic...writing it down is likely to make me think about it all better...i hope.
So thanks to the owners of this great store
nomadcraftsetc's http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6747382 for fantastic advice and inspiration, I wish them many more sales:)
nomadcraftsetc's http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6747382 for fantastic advice and inspiration, I wish them many more sales:)
So I got myself a notebook, and i'm going to spend this holiday writing down all my ideas and buying supplies, as most of my beads are finished, and fill up again. And once i'm back i'll be creating again!